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You say potato

You say potato

Our chips are fresh, not frozen. Always. It’s a full-time job (what takes us seven days a week, 12 hours a day, could probably be done in minutes if we had piles of frozen chips). We get ours from a farmer whose family has been growing potatoes for six generations.

Drink local beer

Drink local beer

Tom grew up in his parents’ country pub and that’s what we wanted Honest to be like: a no-fuss, pull-up-a-chair local. That's why you’ll find beer from different local breweries in every Honest.

Tom & Phil

Tom & Phil

We met in Brighton at university. We loved restaurants. We talked about them, worked in them, ate in them, and thought ‘we can do better than them’. So we pooled our savings and bought a marquee, a fryer and a grill. That's where it all began for Honest Burgers.